Saturday, January 5, 2013

2012 Update

So.... It's now 2013 and once again I check into my blog to find it's been several months since I last posted. In my defense, it was a really shitty year.

People who know me personally know that we were living with my husband's brother, Sam, who was very ill and awaiting a liver transplant. In June (two years to the date of my father's passing), he lost his battle with bilary artresia. My husband and I have decided that June no longer exists. From here on out, we will have May, then Pre-July, then July.

If that was not bad enough, it took until July to bury my brother-in-law. We scheduled a "last ride" for him from Wausaukee to Menominee where he was to be buried. We had significantly less people on the ride than we thought would have attended. Not only to celebrate Sam's life, but to support my husband. When my sister-in-law arrived at the funeral home, I found out that my 15 year old dog had passed unexpectedly that morning.

August came, and so did my wedding date. At the "reception" (went to dinner with the families), my father-in-law received a call to let him know someone had set fire to his cabin up north. The cabin which had been in the family for generations. Needless to say, it put quite a damper on the celebration.

Things did pick up, though, in September when we had the wedding ceremony and party. The night was a blast. I lasted most of the evening without breaking down. If you had told me when I was a teenager that I would cry at my wedding because my father wasn't there, I would have called you a liar. I'm so glad my father and I repaired our relationship after my teenage years.

In November, my husband was finally told by his doctors that there was nothing more that he could do for him and the workman's comp company decided they would no longer pay for future treatment. Legal proceedings are under way.

That all said, despite it seems that my 2012 was filled with sorrow, I must say it wasn't all bad. I had some really wonderful times with my brother-in-law before he passed. The ride to bury him was quite beautiful. I feel truly blessed by my "new" family. They make me understand how to live life to it's fullest and make me smile more often than I used to.

I was finally able to marry my long-time love, and we had a beautiful ceremony. The day was gorgeous and the evening quite fun. The pig roast was delicious, my aunt provided wonderful catering and a fun and beautiful wedding cake. Our wonderful friends joined us in our celebration and we partied late into the night. I will never forget finding Liz passed out on the toilet. And then seeing her several minutes later with a drink in her hand and a smile on her face.

Birthday and holiday celebrations have allowed me to spend some great times with my family. And reminded me that family doesn't always mean blood.

I am a very lucky and fortunate woman. 2013 promises to be a wonderful year. I have transferred to a different job in my company which is challenging as well as fulfilling. The pay doesn't hurt either. I hope to move closer to my job this year, though, as the hour and half commute each way is killing me (both in sleep and gas money). We have a lot of wonderful things to look forward this year.

Happy New Year, all! I hope your 2013 is wonderful and prosperous.

- The ever-absent Ray

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