Friday, March 16, 2012

Magic Truck

During my morning commute today, I looked ahead to see a shiny tanker truck in front of me, a small ways off. It had a company name logo and with the color and type of lettering, from afar, I could have sworn it said "Magic: The Gathering". The delusions started early today....

So I was wondering what a Magic: The Gathering tanker truck would be hauling. Liquid magic, of course. I then thought to myself, "Wow. Would I wouldn't give to see a liquid magic spill..... From afar, of course. No one wants to be particularly near a liquid magic spill." I was still pondering what this would look like as I got closer to the tanker in question.

I then found that the tanker was not, of course a Magic: The Gathering liquid magic truck. It was some other normal company. Probably hauling something completely mundane. *sigh*

However, when I got right up to it, I noticed the tanker itself was shiny metal, reflecting the surroundings, but because of the angles the tank itself produced, it appeared the reflection showed the tanker was on the road all by itself. I, of course, pulled in behind the tanker and proceeded to pretend like I was invisible for a good portion of the rest of the way to work.

Maybe it was a magic truck after all.... :D

Who needs medication, when you've got my kind of imagination?

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