Saturday, April 23, 2011

Random Thoughts and Other Things To Make Your Brain Fart

The title was Alex's suggestion.

So, it's another installation of random thoughts.... Or as I like to view it, small windows into my brain (they have to be small, or people would run away screaming).

Random Thought #1: When they say "They say", who is "they"? Do I know They? Am I They? Oh no!!!!!!

Random Thought #2: Juice! (Courtesy of Alex)

Random Thought #3: What if illness is caused by microscopic aliens? Would medicine then be considered an intergalactic war?

Random Thought #4: Does grey hair happen when the follicle says, "Ah, fuck it."?

Random Thought #5: I need a furry wall!!!!!!

Random Thought #6: If monkeys ruled the world, would we say hello by flinging poo?

Random Thought #7: When will the makers of the Wii make a Wii Fat instead of a Wii Fit for people who just like to sit around?

Random Thought #8: There's a hole in my inter-net!!!!

Random Thought #9: If zebra's ruled the earth, would we turn striped? (Courtesy of Alex)

Random Thought #10: I wish my house were made of coffee beans. Cuz when it rained, I would put buckets under the gutter spouts and sell the runoff like I was Starbucks. Plus then I could lick my house and people wouldn't look at me funny anymore.

Random Thought #11: We've all heard the theory of sticking a million monkeys in a room with a typewriter and them coming up with Shakespeare.... How many cats do you think you'd have stick in a room with a typewriter to come up with the Meow Mix song?

Random Thought #12: If Harley took over the world, do you think he'd let me rule by his side, or would he lock me in a dungeon? What would his first world change be? Would all food be required to be covered in gravy? Would he complain that the water in the ocean wasn't "fresh enough"?

Random Thought #13: And as it's Easter weekend: Do rabbits wear fake bunny ears on Easter? How long do you think it would take me to put fake bunny ears on all of the squirrels in the city? If I succeeded in putting fake bunny ears on all of the squirrels in the city, would people think it was awesome, or would they lock me up? How many people do you think could get to join me in dying Easter squirrels? Wouldn't Easter squirrels be festive? I like squirrels....

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