Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Chitlin's Random Thoughts

Just so you don't think I'm the only crazy one in this house, here's some of the brain lint the chitlins and other household members come up with:

Katherine: When you see people with spoons, you start to wonder.

Alex: When I dye eggs today, I'm concerned they will turn the color of my hair.

Jen: If swimming is so good for you, why are whales so fat?

Smiley: If elevators when side to side, would they be called sideavators?

Logan: If you see an alligator with a knife, should you run?

Katherine: If a person falls through the floor and then lands on another person and then they both fall through the floor and land on a fork, has that ever happened?

Alex: When you land on rhinoceros, do think scream, or run, or none? Or do you think what the heck, I'll just die?

Jen: Is the guy who wrote the Tootsie Roll jingle a fecalfeliac?

Smiley: Don't eat the chocolate covered raisins the bunnies leave behind.

Logan: If Houses ruled the earth, would we all turn into houses?

Katherine: If the bunny on Hop lays watermelon flavored jelly beans, what does the chicken lay?

Alex: If the universe was a circle, what would the outer universe be? Floop swirled?

This is what I live with, people.... You see how they encourage me? Enable me? Make me worse? Make me giggle incessantly? I love you guys.....

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