Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's not easy being Green

Centered around the recent Earth Day events, there has been a lot of advertisements on tv about various things people can do to "go green." Most have the things I have seen have been the usual "separate your garbage and recycleables, reuse containers when possible, try to limit your use of live squirrels in your decoupage projects to once a week," etc. However, I actually came across an ad that mentioned a website that seems to be worth checking out.

www.newdream.org is a website dedicated to "going green." It has information on it about how to reduce junk mail, something even the most wasteful of us seems to be annoyed at. We're talking spam e-mails, phone calls as well as the crap that seems to gum up our snail-mail postal mail boxes.

The website offers several different options including mail in forms, links and phone numbers for a variety of different ways to opt-out of unwanted solicitations. I am going to try several myself and we'll see if the number of things I throw away in a week starts going down.

Just thought I'd pass it on....

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