Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Weird Al

So a week and a half ago I (with Spoon and Tinker) go to the Weird Al concert here in Wisconsin. It was awesome. I totally geeked out on Al when I got a chance to meet him (aka get his signature). By geeked out, I mean, speechless, jaw moving up and down, rest of my body frozen. I may even have drooled a little.

The thing is, I think Weird Al Yankovic is totally sexy. And of course, ever since then, Tinker and Spoon have been teasing me about "The Red Suit" - one of Al's outfits for his very seductive song, "Wanna B UR Lovr." This teasing, of course, had already started on the way home from the concert, which resulted in a few occasions of me almost driving off of the road. (Getting a fixed, blank stare and drooling is not recommended when driving, by the way.)

So for the last week and a half, I've had that song running through my head. And daydreaming a lot.

Bottom line, if I ever start rambling, I guess the best way to get me to stop is to say, "Red Suit." hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. *drool*


Anonymous said...

It's probably a good thing for the safety of yourself and your passengers that Al didn't sit in your lap (he does it occasionally during WBUL). I once got to hold Al's hand for a moment while he told me I had Yugoslavian hands and then decided that would be a stupid thing to say, and that was definitely disorienting enough.


Ray said...

Yes, he came out into the audience during WBUL at the show I was at as well. But due to my friend's lateness in getting the tickets, we were in one of the back rows. I probably would have fainted had he held my hand.
