Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Diet Window not available in wintertime

You know, I'm so completely and utterly politically correct, that I would never call someone a "Window Licker"..... to their face.

Ex-Roommie reminded me of a story from a few months back, thought I'd share:

It was shortly after my neck surgery and ex-roommie was driving me somewhere. I was all hopped up on pain pills and making my usual snarky commentary. When I went to pretend to lick the windows, I realized there was something wrong.... The window was rolled down. Without missing a beat, I looked at ex-roommie and said, "Tastes different. Must be diet window."

This story was brought back to mind by another story.....

Went to my brother's house this past weekend to celebrate the nephew's birthday. SIL was going on about how she got one of those blow-up Frosty The Snowman's for the the front yard for her birthday. So naturally, I said, "As long as it doesn't end up like the one I pass every day on my way to work. I THINK it's supposed to be a football player in a Packer uniform, but it's a bit wilted and the way it's bent over and flopping around, now it just looks like a mentally deficient person having a head-butting fight with the ground and losing." Nobody laughed. My SIL's family doesn't have my sense of humor.

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